Symbols and icons

The TESA Map

This map is an image created by Ryan Stacey through what we understand was a psychogenic download on December 21 2018. The purpose and meaning remain a mystery, however we have come to see this as a map of possibly a location as well as individual personalities and skills sets. The map has been used to guide some of the aspects of The Experiencer Support Association.

Over the years, Ryan and other members of the association have been trying to decipher what appears to be a message from the future.

Learn more about Ryan’s investigation on this:

Part 1



This icon is the Sumerian cuneiform glyph representing An, the divine personification of the sky, king of the gods, and ancestor of many of the deities in ancient Mesopotamian religion. This pictograph, pronounced Dingir, has many translations depending on its use. The symbol means sky god when used as a noun and means am, to be or to remain when used as a verb.

Ryan chose this sign to represent the TESA brand on the notion that this was the first recorded image used to identify our creator(s), and thus considered the original “source,” cementing the concept that we are all one and united forever.

We believe this icon, the “first,” highlights probable truths about our ancient past and is used as a point of reference when investigating unexplained phenomena. 

The EA Ankh

Best known as the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol meaning “life,” this icon, when turned to its side, personifies the belief that experiencers are the key to life. 

The word “Ankh” emanates from two Sumerian words, An and Ki. With “An” representing the sky father and “Ki” representing mother earth, they equate to life when the two are combined. (An.Ki)

This symbol represents our support group Experiencers Anonymous, abbreviated as EA, also known as Enki (Anki), a predominant son of An, the god of water, knowledge and creation.  

Enki translates to the god of the earth or earth’s god. (EA.RTH)

Furthermore, Ryan chose this symbol because of the masonic connection to the Skirret, a T-shaped tool used to lay out the dimensions of the built structure, acting on a centre pin from which a line is drawn to mark the ground. The Skirret is also used to draw a circle, a universal symbol representing the notions of totality, wholeness, and perfection.

The FIU Crest

Also known as the God of the Sun and Justice, Utu (Shammash) was believed to see everything that happened in the world every day and was responsible for justice and the protection of travellers.

The symbol representing TESA’s Field Investigation Unit parallels this deity’s sun symbol in its basic form. It has four pointed rays and four wavy rays, alternating. Ryan purposely removed the circle to symbolize the absence of perfection, reinforcing the need to investigate our forgotten past so that we may eventually uncover the truth.

The white characters are written in masonic cipher, meaning “Agent of ASET.”

Aset (an anagram of TESA) is the Egyptian epithet of Inanna, Utu’s twin sister, the Queen of Heaven and enforcer of divine justice.

Heed The World


To heed means to observe, take care, and defend. The slogan “Heed The World” identifies the act of watching and protecting the Earth and all that’s inside it. Much like Anunnaki (the offspring of An), we are “the watchers.”

This “catchphrase” is the salutation Ryan uses to call off any live presentation, to remind us all to stay alert, pay attention, and take care of one another.

The symbol, created by Ryan and his wife Priscilla, symbolizes a combination of faith, hope, and charity, forever spreading love and light inside and out in this life and into the next.

We Know you know

This symbol depicts a human hand receiving an “extraterrestrial” hand while breaking a shackle adorning the words “We Know You Know.”

This image’s ideology stems from the idea that experiencers have been activated and realize their worth is beyond indoctrination. 

The broken shackle symbolizes freedom; the words “We Know You Know” emphasize that we are aware, and hand in hand, indicates we are ready to evolve.



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Greetings fellow experiencer, 

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