In the previous installments of “MUFON Under Siege,” we explored the initial discovery and impact of the cyberattack on MUFON, the organization’s response, and the broader implications for the UFO research community. In Part 5, we delve into the latest developments, providing new insights and updates on this ongoing crisis.
Since our last update, new revelations have emerged, shedding more clarity on the nature and extent of the cyberattack. This installment focuses on these fresh findings, the community’s evolving response, and the steps MUFON is taking to fortify its defences.
New Information on the Cyberattack
The recovery process for MUFON’s Case Management System (CMS) has been fraught with challenges. As of April 1, 2024, REDACTED reported that the CMS was still down due to a severe brute force attack that involved 130,000 pings, making it difficult to trace the perpetrator. The Secret Service was involved to assist in tracking down the IP trail and auditing the data. Despite these efforts, the CMS remained inaccessible, and MUFON’s IT Team, a temporary CMS, was set up without the old data.
On February 27, 2024, Field Investigators were informed that the CMS would be down for one to two more weeks. During this period, they were encouraged to enhance their skills through MUFON University. The recovery efforts were ongoing, ensuring increased security before returning the system online.
By April 22, 2024, updates indicated that there was still no access to the CMS, but during a Zoom meeting with State Directors, REDACTED said that MUFON had lost no data. The team emphasized working hard to secure and restore the system to its previous state with enhanced security measures.
However, on May 15, 2024, REDACTED, reported that the CMS appeared to be down again. This recurring issue highlighted the ongoing challenges and the necessity for robust cybersecurity measures.
By May 1, 2024, MUFON announced that the database was back online, allowing all reports and research activities to resume.
Community Response and Engagement
The MUFON community has shown resilience and adaptability during these challenging times. Members have been patient and supportive as the leadership worked through the cyber crisis. The community has also proactively enhanced their knowledge and skills, using resources like MUFON University.
Field Investigators have been actively involved in the recovery efforts, providing feedback and staying engaged despite the operational disruptions. The collaborative spirit within the community has been a driving force in overcoming these challenges and moving towards a more secure and resilient future.
Leadership and Strategic Adjustments
MUFON leadership has taken several strategic steps to address the ongoing cyber crisis. The Secret Service’s involvement underscored the seriousness of the attack and the commitment to finding and mitigating the threat. Leadership has focused on transparency, regularly updating members on the status of the CMS and the efforts to restore it.
New security measures have been implemented, including a temporary CMS setup, enhanced auditing processes, and proactive detection and removal of malicious scripts. The team has also analyzed access logs from the past 90 days to identify attackers’ IPs and implement additional defence measures, significantly reducing attacks.
Staying informed and engaged has been crucial as we navigated through this crisis. After 135 days of downtime, I’m pleased to inform you that MUFON has successfully restored its Case Management System (CMS).Â
Throughout “MUFON Under Siege,” we’ve explored the initial impact, community responses, and strategic measures taken amidst this cyber crisis. From the resilience of field investigators to the leadership’s commitment to transparency and security, this series has highlighted the strength and dedication within MUFON.
As we close this series, let’s remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our research and community. Together, we can continue to explore the mysteries of the universe with curiosity and resilience.