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Ottawa, Ont., May 16th, 1961.
(B.) Yellowknife,
N.W.T. Report of Strange Object
Striking Clan Lake District, N.W.T.
1. Further to our exchange of correspondence and acknowledging memorandum of September 23rd, 1960, from the Director of Air Intelligence (L.C.Dillworth), Royal Canadian Air Force; in a report dated December 19th, 1960, our Yellowknife Detachment advised that Mr. G. Brown, Geologist, Yellowknife, had volunteered his services to carry out a magnetometer check at Clan Lake, however, on January 25th Yellowknife Detachment reported that Mr. Brown had to go to Morocco for some seven weeks, Consequently, the magnetometer check of the area had to be postponed.
2. We have now received a further report from Yellowknife Detachment wherein we are advised that Mr. Brown, owing to the pressure of his work plus the fact that he is away a good deal of the time, is unable to carry out the magnetometer check as planned. This means that without special equipment, members of our Yellowknife Detachment can do nothing further on their own towards identifying the strange object.
3. On the 15th instant we were in touch with Dr. I. HALLIDAY, Dominion Observatory, Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, giving him a brief account of Mr.
REDACTED statement. Dr. HALLIDAY expressed the opinion the unidentified object would be a meteorite. He went on to say if the complete picture was supplied to them, their Department might see fit to look into the matter further, should one of their field men happen to be in the YellowknifeDistrict in connection with other work. Consequently, you may see fit to fully apprise the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys.
J.T Parsons, Insp.,
Officer I/C “G” Div. C.I.B
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Retrieved By:
Ryan Stacey
The Experiencer Support Association