RCMP UFO Report: Regarding Landing Place at Falcon Beach, Manitoba – August 10 1967


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10 Aug 67
67D 700-130
GIS 67-700-8


Stefan MICHALAK- Report of Unidentified Flying
Object, Falcon Beach, Manitoba, 20 May 67.

The last report on this matter was written on June 26,
1967 and the file is now being re-opened in view of the fact MICHALAK
claims to have located the alleged U.F.O. landing place.

2. On the evening of June 26th, I received a telephone
call from Sqdn/Ldr Paul BISSKY who advised me that MIHALAK had just
contacted him to tell him that he had been to the Falcon Lake area
on the weekend of June 24/25 and had found the landing place. He
was accompanied by one Gerald HART who he claimed was now a partner
of his. REDACTED.
MICHALAK told Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY that he had re-
covered his shirt remnants and his steel tape from the scene, as well
as dirt and moss samples, and had brought them back to Winnipeg. He
said that under no circumstances would he take anyone to the scene
at this time, until he had filed his mineral claims that he was
staking in the area.

3. I would like to point out that MICHALAK'S actions are
Inconsistent with previous arrangements made with him and previous
statements made by him. From the outset of this investigation he
pointed out to us that he was concerned about too many people knowing
where his claims were and he wanted to confine the knowledge to the
R.C.M.P. and R.C.A.?. members who were working on the case. At no
time did he indicate any unwillingness to take our members and
Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY to the scene and in fast on a number of occasions
he told us how anxious he was to do so. The inconsistency occurs
in that he was apparently contacted by telephone by HART, whom he claims
to have never met personally before the weekend of June 24/25, and he
agreed to let HART accompany him on his search for the scene, a search
which was ultimately successful. The other point that is irregular
is that I made it clear to MICHALAK on more than one occasion, that
if he decided to look for the scene on his own and found it, he
should not remove evidence, such as the burned shirt and steel tape
from the site before our investigators had had the opportunity of
Conducting our examination at the site. This conversation between
MICHALAK and me was in the presence of Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY and Cst.
ANDERSON who both verify what was said and heard MICHALAK agree to
comply with my request.

Page 2

Stefan MICHALAK - Report of Unidentified Flying
Object, Falcon Beach, Manitoba. 20 May 67.

4. Sqdn/Lar BISSKY wanted to go and see MICHALAK and because
I was involved with another matter at the time and unable to personally
attend, I contacted Cst. ANDERSON and arranged for him to meet with
and accompany Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY. Cst. ANDERSON'S account of the meeting
is embodied hereunder:

"During the evening of June 26th, I attended at the home
of Steve MICHALAK at 7:30 P.M. with Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY. Upon entering
the house MICHALAK immediately wanted to know how the police had
found out that he had been out to the scene. He was the exact
opposite towards a member as to what he had been previously. He
repeated a number of times as to how we had found out he had been out
to the site and appeared rather concerned that we should know about
his being out there. Sadn/Ldr BISSKY told him that Cpl. DAVIS had
asked him to call us should he be going out again but he denied
Cpl. DAVIS ever making this request of him. He was questioned in
this respect but still denied having been asked to contact us.
After a short while he asked Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY to accompany him down
to his cellar but he did not invite this member. He said prior to
going downstairs that he had some rocks that he had brought back
from there that he wanted to show to Sadn/Ldr BISSKY. He then
brought out a plastic bag containing some dirt and what appeared
to be pieces of a green shirt or at least material that had been
burned. He also had a steel tape that he said he had brought from
the scene and some burned moss. He handed over a small sample of
this material, dirt and the tape, to Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY for forwarding.
to Ottawa, which apparently Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY intended to do the next
day. During the interview MICHALAK was very concerned all the while
about the police knowing anything and he stated that under no
circumstances would he take anyone down there until after his claim
was staked and the analyst's reply came back from Ottawa on the rook
samples he had brought back from the scene. He said that a person
by the name of HART had phoned him the night before he went down to
renew his search, and that he had not known this HART before. He
said HART drove him to Falcon Bench and got a room in a cottage for
him that belonged to a former Crown Attorney. Then he and HART
went searching for the scene first thing the next morning (Saturday
June 24th). He said that later that evening HART was coming over
to see him and they were going to draw up a contract of secrecy
between them. Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY and I waited for HART to show up
and noted the license number of his car. Upon checking the
registered owner I found it belonged to Gerald A.V. HART of
Oakview Avenue. MICHALAK had obviously been approached by someone
and they had gotten to him with the effect that he was now turned
against the police. This was obvious from the outset of the
interview. MICHALAK mentioned several times that he would not take
anyone down to the area other than HART, his partner. He stated
he had not known this HART at all before HART phoned him to go
down there".

Page 3

Stefan MICHALAK Report of Unidentified Flying
Object, Falcon Beach, Manitoba. 20 May 67

5. The Crown Attorney referred to is former Crown Attorney
THOMAS of St. Boniface, a man in his mid eighties who has a cottage.
at Falcon Bench.

6. Cst. ANDERSON was not present when the various exhibits
were turned over to Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY by MICHALAK, this was apparently
done in the basement. Prior to the meeting with MICHALAK on June
26th, he had been very co-operative and friendly toward the police
members involved. I have since asked Sądn/Ldr BISSKY about his
change of attitude and he said MICHALAK told him he was unhappy
about the character, personal history and background enquiries I
had done on him. This is hard to understand because he was told that
we would be doing them and the results of our enquiries were
generally quite favourable.

7. Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY told Cat. ANDERSON that he was going to
telephone our Supt. MILLER and outline to him what had now happened
and MICHALAK'S sudden change in attitude. On the morning of June
27th, Cst. ANDERSON and I briefed Supt. MILLER on the situation and
we learned that Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY had been in touch with him that same
morning. Supt. MILLER instructed in view of MICHALAK'S attitude
toward us and as he had turned over the exhibits to Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY
and seemed to prefer to deal with him, we should conclude our part.
of the investigation and leave any remaining enquiries and contact
with MICHALAK to the R.C.A.F. In view of this, our file which had
been concluded with my June 26th report, was not re-opened.

8. On 24th July the following telex was received from the

CIE1291/30 REUR 67D 700-130 U.F.O. Reported by Stafan MICHALAK.
Laboratory Tests here indicate earth samples taken from scene highly
radio-active. Radiation Protection Div. of Dept. of Health and
Welfare concerned that others may be exposed., if travel in area not
restricted. Suggest you close off area completely. Radiation
Protection Div are sending one Stuart HUNT, Radiation Expert to
Winnipeg and will contact Cpl. DAVIS for assistance. Date and time.
of arrival not known at this time. Suggest you contact Manitoba
Dept. of Health and determine what notion they have taken this
matter. No publicity to be given this matter. Determine whether
MICHALAK has been examined medically from radioactive exposure

I interpreted this message to mean a reference to some
exhibits our investigators had forwarded for examination and lost
sight of the fact that the R.C.A.F. per Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY had
forwarded same. In view of this, and because of misunderstanding on
my part, the following telex, asking for clarification was sent to

Page 4

Stefan MICHALAK - Report of Unidentified Flying
Object, Falcon Bench, Manitoba. 20 May 67

CIB2853 REUR CIB1291/30 We cannot associate sample you tested for
radio notivity with Stefan MICHALAK'S Case. MICHALAK tested for
radio active contamination immediately after alleged sighting with
neg results. A source of material recd and tested by Dept of Health
and Welfare Ottawa.

On July 25th Ottawa message OIB 1294/30 was received
clarifying the matter:

OIB1294/30 REUR CIB2853. Soil sample, steel tape and burned clothing,
obtained from Defence Research Board Lab Ottawa 18 Jul 67. Articles
apparently forwarded to DRB by S/L BISSKY who recovered them from
MICHALAK on 26 Jun 67. Tape also radioactive. Report submitted by
S/L BISSKY indicates MICHALAK located alleged scene of landing on
25 Jun when accompanied by one Gerald A.V. HART, 157 Ondview Ave E.
Kildona who has cottage in Falcon Lake area. MICHALAK also reported
to have photographed scene which showed indications of circle 15¹
diameter. MICHALAK reportedly interviewed by member this Force at
Winnipeg 26 Jun 67 in presence of S/L BISSKY when above info passed
on. Department Hand W rep will arrive Winnipeg by air 27 Jul 10:30 AM.

9. Following receipt of this last message I contacted
Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY who was out of town on holidays, and made him aware
of the latest developments. He told me at this time that the soil
sample given him by MICHALAK was removed from a large plastic bag and
was only a small portion of the soil. MICHALAK had, the balance of
which was likely contaminated. Sqdn/Ldr BISSKY was somewhat surprised
that a reply on the results would not have come to the R.C.A.F.
Winnipeg, who would have immediately known what was involved as they
had sent the exhibits in. When advised of the forthcoming arrival
from Ottawa of Stuart HUNT, Sądn/Ldr BISSKY cut short his holidays
and returned to Winnipeg to assist in the investigation.

10. As the area was far removed from the highway and it was
very unlikely the general public would wander into the area, and of
course with us still unaware of the exact location, we did not feel
precautions such as sealing the area off were warranted. And also,
as Mr. HUNT was to arrive in Winnipeg on July 27th and due to
MICHALAK'S voiced hostility toward us and his previous reluctance to
take us into the area, we felt it would be better to await the
arrival of Mr. HUNT to approach him. It was our opinion that Mr.
HUNT would be in a better position to apprise him of the potential
gravity of the situation and as it was over two months since
MICHALAK had had his alleged encounter, an additional delay of two
days would matter little.

Page 5

Stefan MICHALAK - Report of Unidentified Flying
Object, Falcon Beach, Manitoba. 20 May 67

11. During my enquiries on July 26th, I learned that Barry
THOMPSON of the APRO Organization had been taken to the scene by
MICHALAK on July 17th and that he had obtained soil samples and
samples of the burned outer shirt from MICHALAK which he had sent
to his Headquarters at Tucson, Arizona. I contacted THOMPSON and
discussed the matter with him. In view of MICHALAK's previous
attitude and the possibility he would still refuse to take us to
the place, arrangements were made with THOMPSON for him to take
Cat. ZACHARIAS to the area on the afternoon of July 27th. If
MICHALAK still refused to co-operate we would then have a way of
getting to the area without his assistance. This trip was made
on July 27th by THOMPSON and Cst.ZACHARIAS.

12. Stuart HUNT, Dept. of Health and Welfare, Ottawa,
arrived in Winnipeg during the morning of July 27th. He will be
submitting a report on his work on this case, copies of which will
be supplied to us, however, highlights of the parts of the
investigation he was involved in will be given here. A meeting
was held in Supt. SHANK's office at 1.30 P.M. July 27th. Present
were Mr. HUNT, S/L BISSKY, Dave THOMPSON and a Mr. RENDALL, Manitoba
Govt. Dept of Health and Welfare and myself. Mr. HUNT advised that
a radioactive material burial ground was located near East Braintree,
Manitoba and he wanted to check this scene to ensure it hadn't been
disturbed. It was agreed that HUNT, THOMPSON, BISSKY and I would
visit MICHALAK and solicit his cooperation in going to the scene.

13. We contacted MICHALAK on the evening of July 27th
at his home at which time Mr. HUNT explained the laboratory
findings and the potential seriousness of the matter. MICHALAK
was very courteous and appeared completely cooperative in every
respect. He agreed to take us to the site and later that evening
I contacted the regional manager of Inland Cement to arrange for
him to get the following day (Aug 28) off in order that the trip
could be made other then on a weekend, to avoid a large crowd at
the Falcon Lake resort area. HUNT checked MICHALAK's home with
radiation detection equipment and located the remainder of the
soil allegedly removed from the scene, same was radioactive. There
was no other radioactive material in the house and the house was
not contaminated.

14. Cst. ZACHARIAS and I picked MICHALAK up at 9 A.M. on
July 28th and proceeded to Falcon Lake where we were met by S/L
BISSKY and three other R.C.A.F. members, as well as Mr. HUNT and
Mr. THOMPSON. During our association with MICHALAK on July 27th
and July 28th he showed no hostility whatever toward ZACHARIAS or
I. On the contrary we thought he was very friendly and outgoing
with us. This apparently was a complete reversal from the way he
had been on June 26th when seen by S/L BISSKY and Cst. ANDERSON.

Page 6

Stefan MICHALAK - Report of Unidentified Flying
Object, Falcon Beach, Manitoba. 20 May 67

15. The ground party, led by MICHALAK, walked to the scene
during the afternoon. It was found to be within the area previously
searched and in fact, was only about 40 or 50 yards from a large
rock where Cst. ANDERSON, MICHALAK and I had been during the unsuccess-
ful search on June 1st. We sat on the rock and drank tins of soft
drinks dropped from the helicopter but were not in a position to
view the alleged UFO landing scene due to heavy trees and brush in
a ravine between. MICHALAK said that he felt the main reason he
could not find the right place during his previous attempts was
because too many people were involved and were suggesting various
places for him to look at. He said that he felt that if he had been
left to look and follow the rock formations on his own without
interference from others he would have found it earlier. The scene
was approximately one mile from a gravel pit where we parked our
cars and would be about 2 miles due north of the Trans-Canada
Highway at Falcon Beach.

16. The actual scene somewhat resembled that sketched for
us by MICHALAK but was considerably smaller and not as open as we
had been given to believe. Also, it did not have an opening
to the south west as MICHALAK had said and for these reasons was
not considered a likely spot during the earlier helicopter search.
There was no evidence left at the scene except a semi-cirle on the
rock face measuring approximately 15 ft. in diameter where the
moss had been somehow removed. About the southern one third of the
outline is missing due to a depression in the rock at that point
but the remainder of the circle can be clearly seen. MICHALAK
pointed to a spot void of moss near the circle where he claims he
stood when he touched the UFO and where he dropped his burning outer
shirt. A very close examination of this spot was made in the hope
we could find a piece of the shirt but this was not successful.
When MICHALAK and HART gathered it up on June 25th they obviously
must have got it all if it had been there at one time. He showed
us the rock he was chipping when the sighting occurred, same is
about 200 feet from the alleged landing spot, approximately straight
south of it. MICHALAK pointed out the opening throught the trees
through which the vehicle supposedly came and left and it was 020°
north northeast of the landing spot. This is a sharp conflict from
his earlier statements where he said he took a compass reading after
the vehicle left and it was exactly 255 south south-west, reference
page 5 of his interview embodied in my May 26th report. When asked
about this large discrepancy he merely said he must have made a
mistake, that's all.

17. I neglected to say that prior to going to the Falcon
Lake scene Mr. HUNT checked the burial ground at East Braintree and
it had not been disturbed.

18. Mr. HUNT found traces of radiation in a fault in the
rock across the centre of the landing spot. No trace of radiation
was found around the outer perimeter of the circle nor in the moss

Page 7

Stefan MICHALAK Report of Unidentified Flying.
Object, Falcon Beach, Manitoba. 20 May 67

or grass below the raised portion of the rock, only in the crack
which contained soil made up of vegetation decay. Samples of this
material were removed by Mr. HUNT. He said that in view of the
small quantity of soil contaminated there was no danger to humans
travelling over the area. The radioactive material found was
radium 226 which has wide commercial use but is also discharged
as waste from a nuclear reactor, Mr. HUNT said.

19. I took 13 colour photos of the scene and various
points around same. These have been developed into slides and
have been given to Mr. Allan CORRIGAN of our Ottawa Laboratory
for transmission to the colour photography section at Headquarters
to be developed into prints. Some of these photos clearly show
the outline of the circle. We carefully examined the circle and
there is no indication that the moss had been removed by brushing
or raking it off but the possibility could not be ruled out
completely of course.

20. Our investigation at the scene was terminated and
we returned to Winnipeg, leaving MICHALAK at Falcon Lake where
he was going to spend the weekend working on his claims. During
the time we were in the bush he pointed out some of his claim
markers and they engross the area of the alleged UFO landing site.
He claims to have two other partners who are working with him
apart from HART. The other two are supposed to be engineers from
Winnipeg, one of whom is apparently a qualified surveyor. MICHALAK
did not name these individuals but said they were to meet him
down there on Saturday morning July 29th.

21. Since returning from the scene I have been contacted
by Mr. HUNT to advise me that a preliminary laboratory examination
of the material he recovered from the scene indicated it might
contain luminous paint with radium 226 as one of its properties.
He will not be able to confirm this without further study and his
final findings will be made known to us. Since that finding he
has examined the home of HART and also HART's office, as well as
Barry THOMPSON's home but no radioactive material was found at any
of these places. I have discussed the possibility of it being
luminous paint with Mr. CORRIGAN of our laboratory and he told me
he doubts it would be luminous paint containing radium 226 as this
material is rare and no longer used on clock and watch dials as it
formerly was.

22. There remain a number of discrepancies in MICHALAK'S
story that cannot be explained, such as a conflict between he and the
motel bar operator at Falcon Beach regarding his alleged consumption.
of about 5 bottles of beer which he flatly denies; his seeming lack
of Imowledge of the area and aimless wandering during early searches;
the large error in flight direction of the UFO in spite of him naying
he took an accurate compass reading, and his willingness to take up
with a complete stranger (Gerald HART) after telling us frequently
that he didn't want outsiders or strangers to know where his claims

Page 8

Stefan MITIALAK - report of Unidentified Flying
Object, Falcon Beach, "Manitoba. 20 Pay 67.

REDACTED And the largest discrepancy as far
as 1 or concerned is him removing all the evidence (steal tape,
shirt remains, etc. the scene after being explicitly asked not
to do so and his denial of ever having been so asked. On the other.
hand, there are certain facts that cannot be denied and cannot be
accounted for or explained away. These include his illness, headache
and loss of weight during a two week period immediately after the
alleged sighting; a fluctuation in his blood cell count that occurred
at the same time; the bump to his chest, abdomen and clothing as
well as the circle on the rock where he alleges the UFO landed. Our
investigation has not been able to resolve any of those points mention-
ed and we have not been able to account for the inconsistent notions

23. Pending receipt of the report on radiation analysis from
the Federal Department of Health and Welfare Radiation Protection
Division (Stuart HUNT) and any new disclosures his investigation might
make, our file is being terminated. It is requested that the RCAF
(per S/L BISSAY) be supplied a copy of this report. Copies of the
coloured photographs taken at the scene will be forwarded when they
are received from Headquarters Identification Section.
REV. 1-4-65
3.) Set.
Tem/1/0 6.I.S.
67D 700-130
The Commissioner
Forwarded 16 Aug 67 for your information. This inves-
tigation was made pursuant to your Telex CIB1291/30 and
(I.C. SHANK) Supt.,
Officer i/c C.I.B.
MAN 13.90

Page 9
HQ 400-Q-5
Following receipt of "D" Division telex CIB 2843,
I contacted Mr. A.R. CORRIGAN of the Ottawa Lab to determine how
they came into possession of the soil sample. He mentioned that
the sample had apparently been forwarded with certain articles of
Michalak's clothing and a steel tape to the Defence Research Board,
Defence Chemical Biological and Radiation Lab in Ottawa. It was
forwarded on to our Ottawa Lab and a covering letter from Mr. C.E.
Hubley of DRB on 18 JUL 67.

2. Mr. Corrigan referred to a report marked "addendum"
submitted S/L Bissky which indicated that Michalak, along with one
Gerald A.V. Hart, 157 Oakview Avenue, East Kildona, Man, had obtained
the soil sample during a visit to the scene on Sunday, 25 JUN 67.
According to this report Michalak and Hart recovered the steel tape
referred to by Michalak along with some burned clothing and obtained
soil samples which were turned over to S/L Bissky. Michalak also
referred to finding a burned circle 15 in diameter and had taken
photographs of this site which he intended to pass on to S/L Bissky.

3. The report went on to mention that Michalak was
interviewed by a member of this Force at Winnipeg in the presence
of S/L Bissky on 26 JUN 67 at 19:30 hours at which time the above
information was made known to this Force.

4. With regard to the Departmental official travelling
to Winnipeg to investigate this matter, this person is scheduled to
arrive by air at Winnipeg on 27 JUL 67 at 10:30 am and will contact
this Force on arrival.

25 JUL 67

L.H. Winters, S/Sgt.

Page 10


HQ 400-Q-5

At 3:25 pm on 24 JUL 67, I received a telephone
call from S/Insp. Hedrick of the Ottawa Crime Detection Laboratory
in reference to the reported citing of two UFOs by Stefan MICHALAK
in the Falcon Lake area of Manitoba on 20 MAY 67. S/Insp. Hedrick
stated that the Lab had received exhibits in this matter from the
Defence Research Board including a sample of earth. The exhibits
were then taken over to the Radiation Protection Division, Depart-
ment of Health and Welfare who discovered that the earth sampling
was highly radioactive containing .3 micro-curries of radiation,
He stated that the Department of National Health and Welfare were
concerned over the possibility that others may be contaminated
from this same source and that they intended to send a radiation.
expert out to Winnipeg to investigate this matter. Apparently
the thinking at the Radiation Protection Division is that there
is a possibility that at one time the Manitoba Cancer Clinic may
have disposed of some radioactive material in that area, possibly
MICHALAK has come across this, in which event he could be in
rather bad shape.

2. The main concern of the Department of National
Health and Welfare is that they did not want the public alarmed
but wished to have the area suitably protected to prevent access
by the general public.

3. S/Insp. Hedrick stated that he was not fully
conversant with the investigation which our Force had conducted
in this matter, but thought that perhaps a telex should be dispatched
to "D" Division, informing them of the recent findings and closing
off the area concerned to the general public. The question of making
reference to the possibility that the Manitoba Cancer Clinic may have
disposed of radioactive material in this area was discussed with.
S/Insp. Hedrick and he considered it advisable to omit this from the
telex and leave this aspect to the Departmental investigator.

4. S/Insp. Hedrick phoned back shortly after to advise
that the name of the departmental representative who would be
proceeding to Winnipeg is Stuart Hunt and he would be advised to
contact our investigator, Cpl. Davis at Winnipeg on arrival. His
exact date and time of arrival had not been fixed.


L.H. Winters, S/Sgt.



Retrieved From: Library and Archives Canada

Retrieved By: 

Ryan Stacey 

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