Department of National Defence
Royal Canadian Air Force
Ref Your D 993-0-22 16 Aug 60 D 993-0-22 13 Sep 60
Mr WH Kelly
Assistant Director
Security and Intelligence
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Ottawa, Ontario
Report of Strange Object Striking Clan
1. Thank you for your above-referenced letters pertaining to the unidentified object reported at Clan Lake.
2. With the information contained in your reports we have investigated the possibility that the object concerned was associated with space research. Space tracking agencies in both Canada and the US have been asked to comment but no record of an impact in this area is recorded.
3. We are inclined to think here that the object was a meteorite which, in the process of descent through the earth’s atmosphere, became heated to a high temperature. It is also possible that some degree of disintegration was in process which might have created the illusion of rotating objects. Also, the heat of the meteor on striking the earth would undoubtedly cause steam and could account for the burning of the reeds and grass. Notwithstanding the probing done by your detachment personnel, the possibility still remains that the object penetrated the compact clay layer to a depth denying detection by this means.
4. The offer by Mr Gordon Brown of Giant Gold Mines to survey the area with a magnetometer is considered worthy of acceptance. Being a geologist, he would be quite familiar with the reaction of the instrument and would quite likely be able to ascertain whether fabricated metals are buried in the area. Based on the outcome of his survey, further investigation might or might not be worthwhile.
5. On the strength of investigations to date, we doubt that the object has significance as far as National Defence is concerned. Hovever, we are immensely curious and if the magnetometer sweep can be conducted without undue inconvenience and expense, we would certainly recommend it. If the operation is undertaken, we would be most interested in being advised of the outcome.
(LC Dilworth)
Group Captain
Director of Air Intelligence
Retrieved From: Library and Archives Canada
Retrieved By:
Ryan Stacey
The Experiencer Support Association