🇨🇦 📃 🛸 National Research Council Assigned Two Categories to Investigate UFOs – September 1 1967


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The Honourable C.M. Drury
Advisory Committee on Scientific and Industrial Research
MacDonald Building
123 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario.

September, 1967

My dear Colleague:


A study conducted by this Headquarters has recommended that consideration be given to transferring the responsibility for investigating UFOs to the National Research Council where scientific research facilities and trained personnel are available for carrying out an objective investigation. UFO reports which are referred to this Headquarters for investigation are studied by the Operations Staff who endeavour to classify the information into one of two categories, namely:

Category one

Information which would suggest the type of phenomena associated with fireballs and meteorites, or

Category two

Information which does not conform to the physical patterns usually associated with fireballs or meteorite activity.

Reports which are classified under category one are forwarded to the National Research Council Meteorite Centre for scientific study. Reports which are classified under category two are either placed on file and annotated that no further action is required, or action is initiated to conduct a formal investigation of the report by a military officer. The investigations conducted to date have failed to disclose any evidence which would suggest that UFOS pose a threat to national security. However, a number of investigations suggest the possibility of UFOs exhibiting some unique scientific information or advanced technology which could possibly contribute to scientific or
technical research. From information available on UFO activity it would appear that the primary interest lies in the field of scientific and technical research and to a lesser degree to one that poses a threat to national security.

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It may be of interest to note that in the early 1950s scientific committees were set up in both Canada and the United States, under the defense auspices, to investigate UFO reports. Following several years of study, both committees were able to explain all but a very small percentage of the many thousands of sighting reports made. The American committees concluded its investigation by stating, that the evidence presented on UFOs shows no indication that these phenomena constitute a direct physical
threat to national security”. Although not formally stated, the Canadian committee arrived at the same conclusions.

The increasing number of UFO reports being referred to official agencies is a clear indication that the general public is becoming more interested in unusual aerial objects which can be neither identified nor explained and are turning to governmental agencies for information. Recently, and probably due to the increasing concern of the general public, the United States Air Force has selected the University of Colorado, under the direction of Dr. E.U. Condon, physics professor, to conduct an independent investigation into UFOs. Many private citizens, many of whom are exceptionally well qualified, are either carrying out personal and independent research studies on UFOs, or have joined organisations established for this purpose. It would, therefore, seen advisable that a governmental scientific agency outside of DND be requested to undertake the investigation of UFOs. Providing National Research Council would be prepared to accept the responsibility for investigating UFOs, this Headquarters would provide such assistance as may be mutually agreed with the understanding that DND would be kept advised on matters of significant importance which would suggest a threat to national security.

May the proposal contained herein receive your consideration and this Headquarters be advised accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

WC D.F. Robertson/2-5427/md


Retrieved From: Library and Archives Canada

Retrieved By: 

Ryan Stacey 

The Experiencer Support Association




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