A Mr. Steven Michalak of Winnipeg, Manitoba reported that he had come into physical contact with & UFO during a prospecting trip in the Falcon Lake area, some 90 miles east of Winnipeg on the 20 May 67. Mr. Michalak stated that he was examining a rock formation when two UFOs appeared before him. One of the UFOs remained
airborne in the immediate area for a few moments, then flew off at great speed. The second UFO landed a few hundred feet away from His position. As he approached the UFO, a side door opened and voices were heard coming from within. Mr. Michalak stated he approached the object but was unable to see inside due to a bright yellow bluish light which blocked his vision. He endeavoured to communicate with the personnel inside the object but without result. As he approached within a few feet of the object, the door closed, heard a whining noise and the object commenced to rotate anti-clockwise and finally raised off the ground. He reached out with his left gloved hand and touched the object prior to its lifting off the ground; the glove burned immediately as he touched the object. As the object left the ground the exhaust gases burned his cap, outer and inner garments and he sustained rather severe stomach and chest burns. As a result of these he was hospitalized for a number of days. The doctors who attended and interviewed Mr. Michalak were unable to obtain any information which could account for the burns to his body. The personal items of clothing which were alleged to have been burnt by the UFO were subjected to an extensive analysis at the RCMP Crime laboratory. The analysis was unable to reach any conclusion as to what may have caused the burn damage. Soil samples taken from the immediate area occupied by the UFO by Mr. Michalak were analysed and found to be radioactive to a degree that the samples had to be safely disposed of. An examination of the alleged Ufo landing area was teated by a radiologist from the Department of Health and Welfare and a small area was found to be radioactive. The radiologist was unable to provide an explanation as to what caused this area to become contaminated.
Both DND and RCMP investigation teams were unable to provide evidence which would dispute Mr. Michalak’s story.
Additional Documents:
Retrieved From: Library and Archives Canada
Retrieved By:
Ryan Stacey
The Experiencer Support Association