Revolutionizing UFO and Paranormal Research: The Ultraspectrum Classification System

UFO and paranormal research have long relied on classification systems like those developed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallée. These systems have provided a foundational framework for understanding phenomena, but they also come with limitations, especially when accommodating the full range of experiences reported by witnesses. I have developed the Ultraspectrum Classification System to address these gaps. This innovative framework offers a more inclusive, evidence-based approach to classifying UFOs and paranormal phenomena.

In this article, we will explore the origins of the Ultraspectrum Classification System, how it improves upon traditional models, and its implications for future research. We will also delve into case studies demonstrating its practical application and discussing its alignment with esoteric principles like Alchemy, Astrology, Hermetic Science, and Kabbalah.

What is the Ultraspectrum Classification System?

The Ultraspectrum Classification System (UCS) is a groundbreaking approach designed to provide a more comprehensive and inclusive framework for categorizing a wide array of UFO and paranormal phenomena. Traditional models, such as the Hynek and Vallée systems, have been instrumental in structuring research. Still, they often fall short in addressing the full spectrum of experiences, particularly those that are psychogenic (originating in the mind) or paranormal.

With a background in investigative and surveillance services, I recognized the need for a more robust and nuanced classification system to support experiencers better and advance research in this complex field.

The Ultraspectrum Classification System introduces several key innovations:

Evidence-Based Categorization

The system uses an eight-level evidence rating scale to rigorously assess the quality and reliability of the evidence associated with each report.


The system encompasses many phenomena traditionally overlooked by other models, such as paranormal events and mental experiences.

Neutral Terminology

The system replaces terms like “Encounter” with “Experiencer” and introduces root word categories that eliminate archetypical labels.

How the Ultraspectrum System Improves on Traditional Models

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, as part of the US Air Force’s Project Blue Book, developed a classification system in the mid-20th century that categorizes UFO sightings into three types of “Close Encounters”: the First Kind, involving visual sightings of an unidentified flying object; the Second Kind, involving physical environmental interactions such as crop circles or scorched ground; and the Third Kind, involving encounters where occupants or entities are observed. Jacques Vallée, a French computer scientist and ufologist, expanded on Hynek’s work by introducing additional dimensions, such as Physical Effects, which include traces or residues left behind by UFOs, and Physiological Impacts, which involve effects on witnesses like temporary paralysis, heat sensations, or other bodily reactions.

Limitations of Traditional Models

While these systems provided a structured approach to UFO research, they often focus primarily on physical encounters and cannot accommodate a broader range of experiences, including paranormal and psychogenic events. These models also tend to categorize phenomena in ways that can be restrictive or fail to consider the subjective nature of many encounters.

The Ultraspectrum Advantage

The Ultraspectrum Classification System addresses these limitations by offering a more holistic approach that categorizes phenomena based on the quality of evidence and the proximity of the experience. It introduces root word categories that remove archetypical labels, fostering greater inclusivity and neutrality. Allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the witnesses’ diverse experiences.

The Evidence Rating Scale Explained

One of the central innovations of the Ultraspectrum Classification System is its eight-level evidence rating scale, designed to rigorously assess the strength and reliability of the evidence associated with each report, ranging from Level 1, the weakest evidence, to Level 8, the strongest; this scale ensures that all reports are thoroughly evaluated, providing a structured and objective foundation for analyzing UFO and paranormal phenomena.

Level 1: No Evidence At All or Audio Clip Only

This level is reserved for reports lacking physical evidence or based solely on audio recordings.

Level 2: 3rd Party or Non-Original Material

At this level, the evidence is not directly from the experiencer but from secondary sources or third parties.

Level 3: Drawing Only

This level includes visual representations such as drawings or sketches created by the experiencer or witnesses.

Level 4: Original Photo Only

Evidence at this level consists of the experiencer’s original photographs during the event.

Level 5: Original Video Only or Original Photos with Original Video

This level includes original video only or original photos accompanied by original video.i

Level 6: Original Media and Drawings

At this level, the evidence  involves original media, such as photos or videos, along with drawings.

Level 7: One Of The Above And Government Documentation

This level combines any of the above evidence with government documentation.

Level 8: Government Documentation With Original Media and Drawings

Evidence at this level features government documentation alongside original media and drawings.

Experiencer Proximity Levels

The Ultraspectrum Classification System categorizes experiences not only by the quality of the evidence but also by proximity and the nature of the event, offering a more nuanced understanding of the phenomena. To neutralize bias and provide greater precision, the system introduces four proximity levels and further classifies each experience as either Uninvited—occurring without the experiencer’s intention or expectation—or Invited, where the experiencer intentionally initiates the experience through methods like meditation or CE-5 protocols.

Extreme Close Experience (ECE)

Encounters occur at extremely close ranges, where the experiencer is close to the phenomenon, often with intense and direct interaction.

Close Experience (CE)

Events that involve close-range sightings or interactions but with some distance between the experiencer and the phenomenon are akin to Hynek’s Close Encounters.

Remote Experience (RE)

Sightings or experiences occur at a distance, where the phenomenon is observed from afar without direct interaction.

Mental Experience (ME)

Events in the experiencer’s mind, such as telepathic communications or visions, may not have a direct physical counterpart.

Root Word Categories

The Ultraspectrum Classification System uses root word categories to group phenomena in a way that transcends traditional labels, creating a unified and adaptable framework for investigating diverse phenomena. This comprehensive categorization system allows for a more detailed and nuanced analysis, accommodating a wider range of experiences than traditional models.

Sensory Display

Sensory Display includes Aerial Activity, which covers phenomena observed in the sky, such as unidentified flying objects, apparent craft or mechanical objects, and unexplained lights, as well as Paranormal Activity, which involves phenomena experienced in other environments, potentially involving non-physical entities or energies.


Visitation includes Uninvited experiences, where beings or entities appear without the experiencer’s intention, and Invited encounters, initiated by the experiencer through deliberate practices like meditation or rituals.







Beings Observed

Beings Observed includes encounters with Cryptids, such as creatures unknown to science like Bigfoot; Paracryptids, which are entities that may have a more supernatural or interdimensional nature; and Entities, which are non-corporeal beings or spirits often linked to paranormal activity.


Psychogenic includes External Effects, which are psychic phenomena that affect the physical environment, such as telekinesis, and Internal Effects, which are psychic experiences occurring within the mind, such as telepathy or remote viewing.

Residual Evidence

Residual Evidence includes physical traces left behind by phenomena, such as implants, markings, crop circles, and animal mutilations, which can be studied forensically.

Case Studies: Applying the Ultraspectrum System

The Ultraspectrum Classification System uses root word categories to group phenomena in a way that transcends traditional labels, creating a unified and adaptable framework for investigating diverse phenomena. This comprehensive categorization system allows for a more detailed and nuanced analysis, accommodating a wider range of experiences than traditional models.

Case Study 1: Close Experience with Multiple Witnesses

Multiple witnesses observed a structured craft at close range, supported by original photos (Level 4) and corroborative drawings (Level 6). The event was classified as a Close Experience (CE) with substantial supporting evidence. The combination of photos and drawings was instrumental in validating the witnesses’ accounts, leading to a deeper understanding of the craft’s characteristics and behavior.

Case Study 2: Remote Experience with Government Documentation

An unidentified object was observed from a significant distance, with original video footage (Level 5) and government documentation (Level 8) supporting the sighting. This high-evidence-level classification allowed for a detailed analysis that significantly enhanced the credibility and depth of the investigation. The inclusion of government documentation provided crucial validation, making this one of the most well-documented cases in the database.




Case Study 3: Psychogenic Event with Corroboration


 Involved a psychogenic event where the experiencer reported telepathic communication, supported by corroborative evidence from multiple sources (Level 6). The classification system identified this as an internal psychogenic effect, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the event’s nature and its impact on the experiencer. This case demonstrated the system’s capability to categorize mental phenomena alongside physical sightings, expanding the scope of research and support for experiencers.

Case Study 4: Beings Observed

An experiencer reported seeing a cryptid-like being in a rural area, with physical traces (Level 4) and a detailed sketch (Level 3) supporting the account. The event was classified under “Beings Observed” with a subtype of “Cryptid.” The physical evidence and corroborative sketch were crucial in validating the experiencer’s account, highlighting the system’s ability to address encounters with unknown entities.

Case Study 5: Residual Evidence

Involved a reported UFO sighting, after which investigators discovered crop circles and other physical markings at the site (Level 6). Classified under “Residual Evidence,” this case underscores the importance of physical traces in UFO research. The evidence collected provided a solid foundation for further investigation, demonstrating how the Ultraspectrum system can effectively categorize phenomena that leave behind tangible effects.


Case Study 6: Paranormal Activity

An experiencer reported unexplained events in their home, including poltergeist activity and unexplained noises (Level 4). The event was categorized as “Paranormal Activity” under “Sensory Display.” This classification allowed researchers to focus on the sensory aspects of the phenomena, helping to distinguish it from other types of experiences.







The Future of UFO and Paranormal Research


The Ultraspectrum Classification System is poised to revolutionize the field of UFO and paranormal research by providing a more comprehensive, evidence-based framework for understanding these phenomena. By standardizing reporting methods, the system’s detailed classifications and evidence rating scale improve the consistency and reliability of data across studies, allowing for more accurate comparisons between cases and facilitating a cumulative understanding of these phenomena. The inclusion of paranormal and psychogenic experiences opens the door to interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers from psychology, sociology, and the physical sciences. This holistic approach helps integrate diverse perspectives and methodologies, deepening our understanding of UFOs and paranormal phenomena.


For support organizations like TESA, the Ultraspectrum Classification System offers a robust tool for validating and categorizing experiencers’ accounts. Its detailed classifications and evidence-based methodology enable these organizations to provide more tailored and practical assistance, fostering a community of trust and mutual support.


The Ultraspectrum Classification System also aligns with esoteric and mystical traditions, drawing parallels with Alchemy, Astrology, Hermetic Science, Kabbalah, and the study of Nature. Just as alchemists sought to transform base metals into gold, the Ultraspectrum system refines raw data into validated experiences, aligning with the esoteric goal of understanding and transforming the self and the universe. The system’s categorization of aerial activities resonates with astrological concepts, providing a structured way to analyze phenomena that cosmic forces may influence, allowing a more nuanced understanding of how celestial events could impact paranormal experiences.


Rooted in the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, hermetic science emphasizes the principle of correspondence (“As above, so below”), which the Ultraspectrum system mirrors by recognizing the interconnectedness of different experiences, providing a holistic framework that acknowledges the unity of all phenomena. The system’s systematic approach to categorizing experiences can be seen as a modern interpretation of Kabbalistic principles, where structured inquiry leads to deeper spiritual insights, enhancing the system’s credibility within esoteric studies. In the study of Nature, the system’s categorization of residual evidence, such as physical traces left by phenomena, aligns with the esoteric pursuit of understanding hidden forces, bridging the gap between mystical interpretations of Nature and empirical investigation.


The Ultraspectrum Classification System’s classifications resonate with traditional esoteric teachings. For example, “Sensory Display” aligns with mystical visions often described in esoteric literature, where individuals perceive phenomena through their senses. Similarly, the system’s “Psychogenic” categories, which deal with mental and psychic phenomena, resonate with esoteric understandings of psychic abilities and cognitive experiences, such as telepathy and clairvoyance. This comparative analysis reveals the system’s capacity to bridge modern phenomena with historical esoteric narratives, fostering a unified understanding.


The Ultraspectrum Classification System also contributes to the comparative study of religions and philosophies by providing a neutral framework that respects both empirical evidence and subjective experiences. This dual approach facilitates the exploration of paranormal and UFO phenomena through the lens of various religious and philosophical traditions, helping to bridge the gap between ancient esoteric knowledge and contemporary encounters with the unexplained. By classifying UFO and paranormal phenomena, the Ultraspectrum Classification System contributes to uncovering Nature’s secrets, aligning with the mission of exploring ancient wisdom. These phenomena challenge and reinforce esoteric teachings, offering new insights into the interconnectedness of all experiences and the profound mysteries of the natural world.


In conclusion, this article has introduced and evaluated the Ultraspectrum Classification System, highlighting its innovative approach compared to traditional models like the Hynek/Vallée system. The Ultraspectrum system’s comprehensive, evidence-based framework improves the classification and understanding of UFO and paranormal phenomena. A detailed evidence rating scale and inclusive categorization enhance research consistency and support interdisciplinary collaboration. Its application in organizations like TESA provides valuable support and validation for experiencers. Ultimately, the Ultraspectrum Classification System advances the field by promoting a more nuanced and unified understanding of these complex phenomena, integrating ancient wisdom with modern scientific approaches, and fostering a holistic and inclusive perspective in studying UFO and paranormal activities.

Moving Ahead

Embrace the future of UFO and paranormal research with the Ultraspectrum Classification System. Move beyond outdated models and join us at The Experiencer Support Association in utilizing this innovative framework to gain deeper insights into the unknown. If you’re ready to leave behind the limitations of the past and contribute to a more inclusive and evidence-based approach, contact us today. Together, we can revolutionize how we understand and explore the profound mysteries of the universe.

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